(Hello, Click play to turn sound file below on, follow along with lyrics. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please stop page player on upper right of page. Thank you. Elder)
~~~~drum begins~~~~
Today I call from my heart. Today I call from my heart. Today I feel the radiating part. The sun does shine in my heart. I can feel the waves flowing. I can feel the waves glow. I can feel heaven sowing, inside of me. Everyone is learning to understand. I will be there to help loyal man. I will share my vision too, with everyone who wants the knews. It's time for heavenly to bring charms into the seas. Let me bless you today. Let me sail the holy waves. Let me share my heart with you. Let me cry a river too. I want to share my mission fame about the glorious gain. I wish to bring you home to where we are teh rolling stones.
Can you feel me close. Can you feel the most? Are you a beating heart? I want to feel your part. There is much for us to dew, inside of what we think is true. We must finda sailing sea, inside of the heart of even our enemies. We must learn to love this world. Bow down and care about this herd. We must share a safety net. We are born to keep it wet. For the clouds will shine through, glory has a hold of you. And my sunshine will bring you home to bind. There is a chance for everyone. We are connected under this sun. And when we are tried and true love is new. We learn to grow. And when we find the waves, all we say we learn to grow. And when we share our hearts, we will deliver the parts, taht is needed today. That is needed all waves. We are together they say, one rolling hill in time we pray. Yellow gorge inside of me (dreams I sea, envision freed). I want to share my heart and be free. Where there is a gospel to every tune. I want to sing it out and bloom. Share with me. My family. Share with me all that we grieve. And the story will come true. We will know about the knews, when we share our hearts in tune. Glory has a way to swoon.
Pick me up in Rainbows. Pick me up to sea. Hold me close to visions, within, for eternally. And the streaming is rushing by, the river it knows it's cry. I can feel it shout at me each day. Only if everyone learned to bow and pray. We could find our way.

I can feel my heart in tune, with every single groove. I feel the channels low. I feel the channels high. I feel the waves in my eyes. I can feel you. I can feel the world too. We are making homes for everyone. We are sharing this world, to make it a favorable tool. We are sharing this world, to bring us home too. Where the heart is blooming and the sharing is k/newing, all that we dew/do each day. All that we share our praise.
When we don't know what to do, we always seem to attach upon you. And when we share our hearts instead, we find another way to bled. I will suffer for you everyday. I will show you just how to praise. I will lean on you for love, because that is the way of the doves. And when you attack me like you think you dew, clinging to the hate inside of you. Then you don't seem to understand, we are all mortal and of man. Tell me true, don't you want happiness too? Don't you want to share the blue? I think we must forgive each day to learn to shore another way. And when we don't understand, help the relatives on this land. Love will care about each child, when we learn about that dirty mile. Heaven says, "I need you deep, inside the seeds of the rocks and trees". And when I flow, I will know, all the stones really want to glow. I bow my head today. I share my heart to say, love is the only key to destiny in you. And when you attack me like you dew, I know it's the way you think to get through, yet you are stuck on the phase of time, when you did not want to learn to chime.
It's all changing in the winds. It's all changing to begin. It's all changing in our hearts. We are learning to do our parts. And with everything we grow. I hear the suns of men will blow, into the winds of time we share. Heaven is near. Heaven is sheering your heart. You will eventually do your part.

drum beat goes on strong, the heart is captured in the song
White Buffalo Calf Woman sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums for our Sister of the Blue, Lisping Wise One our Eternal Bells. We bow with you.
soundfile: 01072014HeartoftheBlueLispingWiseOne.mp3
Sister Lisping Wise One, Realize that I was typing and singing at the same time and could not gift the full heart song winds for you. However we have lyrics as well on this post. Sending you love and blessings, your devoted Sister
lisping wise one blue of you and me: thanks so much, been a long time
White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother: recorded, but it may hear all the typing. and would like to sing from your heart in another ghost walk song. I feel I need to keep it up for while longer. Yes, my love.
Your heart is wonderful and favorable in the eyes of God.
Ah, I noticed something in your song. The exchange. I will forwards this to you, to help understand the exchange. When your Jerry (husband, indigo with lavender overlay, Crown Prince, frequently what men do to women in this stage of evolution, unknowingly) insults you, he is cleansing himself. He doesn't know how to cleanse himself. But you do. The heart has knews, the singing will help you my beloved. I love you and will talk to you real soon. your devoted, White Buffalo Calf Woman
lisping wise one blue of you and me:
thanks for listening, love you too
White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother
lisping wise one blue of you and me:
thank you, love and blessings to Holiness David, too
Bless this day in every way
Bless the sacred cold and ice
Bless our steps of dance and play
Bless the struggles and strife
Bless the loneliness of the day
It will all turn out nice

Lisping Wise One sings
The exchange of suffering! Abuse or Prayer?
On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 7:23 PM, Pte San Win Wbcw wrote:
Pte San Win Wbcw commented on A. Sh.'s post in Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy.
Relative A. Sh.,
your response is defensive, rather than uniting. I asked you to share,
not defend your position. Put em up, you need a fight? I know most of
the world acts this way, especially on facebook and even USA. Do your
forgiveness blessings to resolve this behavior. I know you have many to
forgive, as the rest of the world does. This is the issue at hand,
reduction of suffering for the whole world. If you feel it, one must
participate in it, thus you share your images (exchanging suffering),
yet do not share your blessings or prayers with the world (exchanging
joy). When we feel greatly, and do not participate, we are left with a
default mechanism, more suffering. Suffering does exchange in order to
reduce suffering. Let me share an example. If a man hits a child, the
child goes out and hits the dog and then the dog goes out and bites the
cat, etc. The man was hurt and he had to remove his hurt, so he gifted
his hurt to the child and on and on. If the man reduced his own
suffering through forgiveness and blessings daily even hourly, then the
exchange would have been known sown within. If the man does not reduce
his own suffering through spiritual prayer blessings, then he must
reduce his suffering or exchanges with abusive behavior or gifting his
pain to another. When the world feels pain and suffering and we allow
them to exchange their pain and suffering with us, without protecting
ourselves with prayers, we will continue to exchange with others,
harming them and continuing the cycle of abusive behavior, really
unknowingly. Sow my Brother, share your prayers and blessings, to know
the exchange is healing the world. You are a great participant in the
dreaming. Share your heart to recognize the tears of suffering and to
exchange it with tears of joy, to heal it. This is the great shifting of
our consciousness. Work on your daily cleansings of your own spacial
fields. When I am feeling hurt or sad, I realize, it's time to
participate, I begin to sing or dance to heal the world. Feeling is
communication of the heavenly soul. Let us realize that our souls are
speaking to us and need our help to resolve the suffering others are
having and cannot resolve on their own, thus they have called on the
phone/wind and we have heard their calling. Do we pick up the phone and
pray and bless, to exchange. Or do we invalidate or refuse their
suffering? (and they continue to abuse). Love is the muse, the laughter
after all the falls/bowing. Your devoted servant sends love and
blessings to your door, where your heart touches the shore, the neighbor
who needed more, each child looking for someone to adore. My embrace
for you, my relative at the shore, where the blue waters of the sky and
earth come to more/mores/values of kindness, heavenly virtues for all to
implore, love knocking at your sores. White Buffalo Calf Woman standing
on the shores to and fro, where the winds blow! elder crystal child, alightfromwithin.org, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Comment History
Neither I am suffering personally nor I am sad. But my sadness and my
suffering is due to the suffering of the humanity...respected Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother.....
Relative A. Sh.,
address the group and sign your posts. Share your heart as well. Why
are you sharing this? You have now posted twice about great suffering.
Are you in Great Suffering? Share more, with your heart and not your
head. Learn about forgiveness. Your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf
Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, alightfromwithin.org,
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy ps. are you spending time in holiday (in
joy)? are you gathering with others locally (to spill your tears)?
posted at http://www.facebook.com/groups/crystalindigochildren
I know why I am important in the world for God our Father.The deeper my
pain, penetrates into my soul,the one inflicting me,the more goes
deeply my souls pain,in the divine Universe,my pray and weep will be
heard in heaven.
A beam of light the sky,
captured by children's hands.
Imploringly stretch upward
watch searching for the light
You can not even take it
one has it dropped
Eyes shine like the stars,
they look at you quizzically
because,myself on this earth
no one here likes me,no one more loves me?
Dear God your gives me,the life
but people are,not good
Come and get me back
I lose,the courage here.
The light beam wraps that child
and lets it ,alone again
inquiringly,the child looks upwards
Dear God, where do you live?
No response, no light,
sad stays back,the child,
in the world,which it not understand ....
that one child longs for love.
A beam of light the sky,
captured by children's hands.
Imploringly stretch upward
watch searching for the light
You can not even take it
one has it dropped
Eyes shine like the stars,
they look at you quizzically
because,myself on this earth
no one here likes me,no one more loves me?
Dear God your gives me,the life
but people are,not good
Come and get me back
I lose,the courage here.
The light beam wraps that child
and lets it ,alone again
inquiringly,the child looks upwards
Dear God, where do you live?
No response, no light,
sad stays back,the child,
in the world,which it not understand ....
that one child longs for love.

Join us at Hoop 6 (Stepping Stone) - Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts is united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, brotherhood)! "I Bless Myself" and "I Bless the World"
in the Holy Ghost Walk, Gathering in Homes!
New moon January 1, 2014 aligning with the sun
(solar and lunar calender align, January 1, 2014, a cycle of renewal)
Ghost Walk (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon.
From the darkness we arise a heavenly child, a divine light from within.
streaming stones among the mountain tones and buried bones,
the Suns are born (children of the rainbow clan, all our relatives, the spacial fields).
Relatives of the Rainbow Clan,
You and you and you and you and me too. There are only a few more New Moons (re/birthing) to go, until we start to flow where it's the spiritual growth, the Great Push (January 1, 2014). We need you to share and shine, to bring in wine, tears divine. We send greetings and blessings as we join together in this dance, the Holy Ghost, the Spiritual toast, we greet you to the sky and back to the why, where we say, forgiveness is treasures, let joy overcome. Tonight it's a way to let love under ONE. We cherish this world, because we are SUNS, each child, each enemy, each parent with a child. All the the little creatures, the rocks and the sticks. All the little varmints (rats, social interrogatory) which pick up the holy wicks (spat, now let's go to work), sparking the willing to have faith in a song, where are all together, moving along. We send blessings in this song. Let your hair down, sing and dance abound. For it's the spiritual soul within that leads and says, Holy to my Spirit, for I am going to bloom. I will share with this world. I will shine until NOON (inner brightest like a Star). We will become treasures when we pray along, together in a song, all together God's ONE. All the little spiders, who weave us to cradle the song. Telling us a story, that look out, watch the bones. There planted deeply a treasure under the stone, if we look closer, we might want to shown, love gifts and hooves (kicks and shoves, like parents on a rug).
Bowing with all our Relatives, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Event: Ghost Walk, the New Moon Dance
Dance when heat and cold (mist/smoke of the ghost) find each other bold, binding to bring in the new, the ghost dance comes to infuse, the soul has risen, awaken and driven, the heavenly soul does reign. Renegades put on your shelter (warriors uniform, buffalo armor, rainbow colors purified), because it's turning to helter skelter (confusion and frenzy, bubbling up the soul does reign). White Buffalo Calf Woman sings
Event: Ghost Walk, the New Moon Dance
(Monthly three day gathering with the family and friends, relatives in the winds)
Official Title: Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony”
Official Title: Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony”

Dance when heat and cold (mist/smoke of the ghost) find each other bold, binding to bring in the new, the ghost dance comes to infuse, the soul has risen, awaken and driven, the heavenly soul does reign. Renegades put on your shelter (warriors uniform, buffalo armor, rainbow colors purified), because it's turning to helter skelter (confusion and frenzy, bubbling up the soul does reign). White Buffalo Calf Woman sings
Pray With Elders around the World
Image by Aunt Daneen Seasons That Sing, Silver Child
Paradise gleams, the field in the trees, dew in the breeze!
Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow! http://sacredsongblessings.blogspot.com
There I go into the Blue, the heart of the world, where no one used, the plain and simple, "I love you", instead, they sought, to go for the few. Not only do they walk away, but they simply don't know how to pray. Why don't they seek out the blessed way? And if I could bring the heart to it's know, then I say, "Bless the sacred Rainbow". We are all part of this wondrous dance, but it's the heart of the Rainbow, that knows, which way to go. If only we could all believe in this world, then we would all gather, like we should. Brother shall reign, I know it to bee true, just have to take part of all the leaves (on the tree of life, we are relatives). Sisterhood bring the law of this song, then all will know how to get along and bee free! http://lispingwiseone.blogspot.com
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